MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
(main • echomute)
- This module requires read rights.
- This module requires write rights.
- This module only accepts POST requests.
- Source: Echo
- License: MIT
Mute or unmute notifications from certain users or pages.
Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.
- type
Which mute list to add to or remove from
- This parameter is required.
- One of the following values: page-linked-title, user
- mute
Pages or users to add to the mute list
- Separate values with | or alternative.
- Maximum number of values is ५० (५०० for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- unmute
Pages or users to remove from the mute list
- Separate values with | or alternative.
- Maximum number of values is ५० (५०० for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- token
A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
- This parameter is required.